“Since this happened” Studio Events & Previews


        After 9/11,

art from the archives

Studio 820

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

6-8:30 PM, Studio Talk: 7PM

Saturday, May 19, 2012

12:00-5PM, Studio Talk: 1PM; 4PM

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

6-8:30 PM, Studio Talk: 7PM

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

6-8:30 PM, Studio Talk: 7PM



In April 2002, as the light returns, the fire is out, my pilgrimage is redeemed from its painful obsession with downtown New York City. I listen to the women who speak to me  on paper, “Your lightbulb is incorrect. It does not work. We line your horizon. We bear witness.” Art is agency where none exists.  —Meredith Lund

Curated by Susan Stoltz

The Feat of the City are Lost”, © 2002 Meredith Lund

Art is Agency Where None Exists


A witness to 9/11, painter and diarist Meredith Lund created more than a thousand works on paper in which she documents the period from September 11, 2001 to 2004. This Chelsea preview presents more than 230 drawings chosen and installed by Susan Stoltz from archived art never intended for public viewing. This selection will become part of a larger exhibit, “Since this Happened,” conceived to travel.

“Meredith Lund’s densely mounted images almost flicker. Cinematically absorbing —they demand close and silent attention. Navigating images, discordant and sublime, an engaged viewer’s perception is transformed. We participate in a dialogue— unraveling multiple layers of the story; processing feelings and thoughts. Lund is an incessant witness. Her art pushes the boundaries and breaks the constraints of the imposed silence of the postmodern 9/11 era. She gives us permission to reclaim our experience.”  — Susan Stoltz